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Our Mission
The Ganesha Temple is a place for both personal and communal transformations. It helps the continuance of vital ancient traditions that are healing and devotional in nature. It is our goal to preserve traditional ceremonies, to encourage knowledge and devotion to Lord Ganesha.
The Ganesha Temple is not just a place of worship - it is a collaborative community brought together
to do great things in the name of Lord Ganesha. Our goals and missions is to set in motion a way of living, learning and teaching a life of joy and gratitude through teachings of Lord Ganesha.
Our temple provides a gathering place for people to experience the true joy of devotion to Lord Ganesha, whether they come from Canada or across the world. The Ganesha Temple is open to everyone, regardless of ethnicity, religion, nationality, age, or (dis)abilities.
Visit Us Today
21062 Hurontario St Caledon, ON L7K 1X1
(416) GANESHA (426-3742) contact@ganeshatemple.ca